What is the Savage Collective?

The Savage Collective is a fellowship of writers, scholars, and tradesmen aiming to promote flourishing lives among working class Americans by examining and improving the conditions of labor in the Machine Age. We host events in and around Pittsburgh and write a Substack called The Savage Collective

Who is the Savage Collective?

The Savage Collective is a fellowship of writers, scholars, and practitioners.

The Savage Collective primarily consists of Brandon Daily and Grant R. Martsolf.

Brandon Daily is a diesel mechanic and autodidact. He runs a small, family truck repair and breakdown service in Southwestern Pennsylvania. He has a Master's Degree in Religion and tries to read books and drive cars that are much older than him. 

Grant Martsolf is a Professor at a research university in Pennsylvania. Formerly, a Senior Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation, Grant is a social scientist with particular interest in how the transformation of labor from primarily manufacturing to service (especially healthcare) has impacted the lives of working class men. He serves as the Managing Editor.

We have regular guest writers contribute essays.

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!